© Vrinda Jelinek

Sassa Ann Van Wyk

Handmade craft accessories that bring joy and happiness.

Sassa Ann van Wyk is a young milliner based in Vienna. She hardly relies on any machines, and instead, uses her own two hands to craft accessories that give joy and happiness. Sassa’s days are spent in her cozy studio, where she translates her imaginative ideas into reality with form, and you can really feel the dreaminess and playfulness coming through in the final product. She loves embroidery and beading and has a signature personal style which reflects her life philosophy.  She likes common shapes but with unusual details. Her hats look ironic and extraordinary.

“I want the people who wear my hats to feel good and enjoy themselves. There is nothing as great to me as someone putting on one of my hats and smiling and starting to jump and dance around. When people feel confident and joyful wearing their hat, I feel I’m doing the right thing”.

Photo gallery (click image to start slideshow)

Sassa started to learn about the millinery craft at the age of 15 at the Modeschule Hetzendorf, and went on to win the Feltmakers Design Award 2014 for Craftsmanship, followed by an internship with Philip Treacy in London in 2016, when she was only 18. In 2017, she quit her job with Philip Treacy and started to build her own brand.  We are excited to share some of her work with you here.

Video on Instagram: Anna Podrobakha

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